The World's Most Powerful Prompt

insight Jan 14, 2024

Exclusive Revealed: The World's Most Powerful AI Prompt!

This one short prompt will change the way you use ChatGPT and other large language models forever.

Ever wondered what truly powers the most effective AI prompts? The answer might surprise you. In this video, I unveil the world's most potent AI prompt, challenging everything you thought you knew about generative AI prompt engineering.

I discovered this prompt while developing the AI Accelerator and since it’s discovery, it has completely changed the way I use AI.

To understand why this little prompt is so effective you have to understand how Large Language Models actually work. Ever wondered why Open AI suggest to ‘give the AI time to think’ or why you get better results when you assign a role to an AI? This is the key.

Strap in and learn more about effective prompting of AI in five minutes than you did in the whole of 2023.

This is just a taste of what's available in the AI Accelerator.

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