Spear-Phishing, AI powered threats to you and your business

insight use case video Feb 25, 2024

This week at the AI Accelerator, we're delving into the darker side of AI, uncovering both its immense potential and its darker implications.

Artificial Intelligence opens a realm of opportunities for those bold enough to dive in. Yet, it's not without its problems, presenting both familiar and novel risks. A key feature of generative AI is its precision in micro-targeting communications, making customised content creation not only feasible but easy. This capability transforms how businesses approach their audiences, from tailoring sales pitches to customising case studies and pre-planning discussion points to meet client needs. This strategic personalisation can significantly enhance the sales process.

However, this very power poses ethical dilemmas. The ability to micro-target can be exploited for malicious purposes. This week we delve into how spear-phishing campaigns can be supercharged with GenAI, making them faster, more compelling, and alarmingly efficient. During a visit to the Houses of Parliament, Dean Russell MP highlighted concerns about AI's role in advancing scams and vulnerabilities being a key issue for citizens in the coming months and years. This underscores the importance of understanding the dual-edged nature of AI - its capability to both revolutionise and manipulate.

To arm you with knowledge against such threats, we've introduced a new use case in our AI Accelerator course focused on spear-phishing. Understanding the risks is the first step towards safeguarding against them.

Do you want to learn more about AI and how you can leverage it right now? Join the AI revolution by taking our AI Accelerator today.

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