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Understand what AI means for your business.
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AI Accelerator

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Is Time Your Biggest Barrier to AI Adoption?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept; it's a current reality that's reshaping industries. Yet, for many SMEs like you, AI remains an enigma, often discussed in complex jargon and lofty promises.

You're already juggling multiple roles—overseeing daily operations, managing teams, and strategising for growth. The thought of adding 'AI expertise' to your to-do list can feel overwhelming, if not impossible.

The Fear is Real

You're not looking for abstract discussions about AI; you need tailored solutions that speak directly to your unique challenges. You want someone to demystify AI, make it relevant to your sector, and demonstrate its immediate benefits.

What You Really Need is:

Clarity Over Complexity

A straightforward explanation of what AI is and how it can empower your business.

Real-World Applications

Concrete demonstrations and examples that show you how to implement AI today.

Industry-Specific Use Cases

Customised scenarios that illustrate how AI can solve problems unique to your business and sector

The world has changed, AI is here.

In the dynamic landscape of SMEs, artificial intelligence often emerges as a bewildering giant. What if AI was your secret ally, precisely sculpted for your business blueprint?

With our AI Accelerator, you're not navigating a tech labyrinth; you're unlocking the future. We don’t just break down AI; we tailor it, blend it, and elevate your entire business game.

Dive in with us, and transform AI's complexities into your unparalleled edge.

What is AI Accelerator ?

Move beyond the jargon and vague promises. With our AI Accelerator, step into a world tailored just for you, enriched by a vast library of unique, industry-specific use cases.

Dive into focused learning, custom solutions, and transformative techniques. Harness the power of AI and make it work for you and your organisation, today.


AI Accelerator Pathways:



Learn online, at your own pace with our clear and concise course.


Bespoke 1:1 sessions and personalised use case development.


Give your organisation the edge with a tailored workshop

AI Accelerator Course

Course: Unlocking AI Mastery

Discover the transformative potential of AI with our AI Accelerator Course. Perfect for professionals, leaders, or SMEs, especially those without a tech background.

In just 60 minutes, our online course breaks down complex AI concepts into digestible video segments. Embark on a journey from AI basics to advanced applications. Delve into the world of Large Language Models, benefit from a rich collection of databases, and tools designed to enhance your productivity.

We aim to provide a hands-on understanding of AI, equipping you not only with a tool but the ability to innovate.

Ready to harness AI's power, enhance efficiency, and stay ahead? This course is your key.

Explore the course

AI Accelerator Coaching

Coaching: Get A Personalised Edge

Enhance your professional journey with our AI Accelerator Coaching. Dive into a curated experience, amplified by one-on-one sessions with leading AI Consultants, boasting over two decades of domain expertise.

Designed for professionals, senior leaders, and SMEs, this program aims to transform your work landscape.

Gain a tailored understanding of AI’s transformative power, learn to integrate it seamlessly into your tasks, and unlock AI-driven solutions previously beyond your reach.

You will grasp AI’s significance and master its practical applications, empowering you with tools and strategies to supercharge your work methodology.

Remember, it's not AI that will replace you—it's someone using AI. Arm yourself with knowledge; let's lead the AI revolution together.

AI Coaching

AI Accelerator Workshop

Workshop: Insight To Implementation

Discover the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence with our AI Accelerator Workshop. Designed exclusively for visionary senior leaders in SMEs, this workshop is not just about understanding AI—it's about experiencing it in action. Over a focused three-hour session, we’ll:

  • Dive deep into recent AI advancements and what they mean for your business.
  • Translate AI concepts into actionable strategies tailored for your unique context.
  • Illuminate high-impact AI applications, carving a roadmap for immediate AI integration.
  • Equip you with bespoke AI tools and innovative use cases, granting you a competitive edge.

If you're at the forefront of your organisation’s digital journey, eager to harness the expansive reach of AI and seeking to elevate your strategic decision-making, this workshop is your beacon.  

At the AI Accelerator Workshop, we don’t just showcase tools, we unravel AI’s vast commercial potential—preparing you to lead in an AI-driven future. Experience AI, don't just learn about it.

Ready to embrace the AI revolution?

AI Accelerator Workshop


Make AI your Edge

Let AI be an intrinsic part of your growth story.

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Don't get left behind

Join the Artificial Intelligence revolution now by subscribing to our newsletter. Access the latest insight, tools, techniques and use cases for AI to give you an edge.